Community Ministries
Food Pantry
Our Food Pantry is open Monday through Thursdays from 10am-12pm. It is located in the Christian Life Center behind the church building, and open to anyone of need in the local community. Bring a picture I.D. and come meet our friendly volunteers that desire to satisfy your need. The zip codes we serve are: 29203, 29204, 29205, 29206, 29223, and 29229.
Get Involved!

Sunday School
Pathfinder Class:
Our Senior Adult Sunday School class meets at 9:45 – 10:45 am in the church parlor.
Crossroads Class:
Our Adult Sunday School class meets at 9:00 am by ZOOM. Contact LW Smith at to receive the link.
Wednesday Adult Choir Rehearsal
Choir rehearsal is at 6:30 pm on Wednesday.
The following ministries are one that have been ongoing for many years. We are glad to participate in collecting items that can serve others
in a variety of ways. If you have any of the following items we have a collection box outside the church office.
Cancelled Stamps Ministry
Bring your canceled stamps from letters and cards you receive to the church office, and the United Methodist Women group will send them off.
Box Tops for Education
The church sends box tops to the Wallace Family Life Center in Wallace, South Carolina. Cut off your box tops and bring them into the church office!
Cell Phone Ministry
Through this ministry, used cell phones and accessories are collected and distributed to senior citizens. Please bring your donations to the church office.
Ears and Eyes Ministry
The Lions Club collects eyeglasses, hearing aids and accessories for those in need. Donations may be dropped off at the church office.
Greeting Card Fronts
St. Jude’s Ranch for Children makes greeting cards for purchase out of old greeting card fronts. Instead of throwing those cards away, bring the torn off fronts to the church office.
Ronald McDonald Drink Tabs
Save the tabs from your aluminum cans for the Ronald McDonald House. The church office has a collection box to take your donations