
The time has arrived to return to in-person worship at Rehoboth UMC on THIS Sunday, June 28, 2020, 11 am!  After meetings, conversations, and review of the results from the Congregational Survey, the Restart Team has developed guidelines to ensure a safe environment for everyone. The guidelines have been developed utilizing the information shared from the Conference reset/restart/RENEW plan (

The church will not yet be open for other events/meetings by any groups. Our plans are still evolving, and further changes are likely to happen. We will keep everyone notified of the current situation. Our main concern is your health and well-being. If you feel sick in any way, or if you are uncomfortable being among others, please stay home. We will continue to offer services via ZOOM audio and video. The information is noted in the bulletin.

Please review and adhere to the Worship Guidelines for the 11 am service. The worship service on Sunday will be 45-minute or less.  

  • Parking – entry is from the Two Notch Road parking lot (cemetery side) or the front side for handicapped (Education Building). Please use marked park spaces only. Use the double doors only at the rear of the Sanctuary to enter; everyone will exit from the doors adjacent the pulpit (left side and right side).
  • Upon arrival, attendance and temperature will be taken.  
  • Providing your own hand sanitizer is encouraged, but hand sanitizing stations are available at all entrances and restrooms.
  • Wearing a mask is required during worship for the safety and protection of others. If needed, masks are available. 
  • In the Sanctuary, all unused pews are taped off. Please stagger seating to keep proper social distancing of 6-feet in front and back as well as side to side.
  • Church doors are remaining open stationed with ushers.
  • Use restrooms if absolutely necessary, use exit door to the handicapped-parking lot. Only one person in the restroom at a time is recommended, unless accompanied by a caregiver or a parent/guardian.
  • Family members living under the same roof or traveling together can sit together. Please be responsible for your space and your family’s space and be mindful of others.
  • Collection plates for tithes and offerings are placed at the exit doors. 
  • Bulletin will not be distributed.  Please bring the copy you received in the mail and your Bible. All books and materials (blankets and cushions) are removed from the worship spaces for your safety.
  • Pre-recorded music will be used. For your safety and health, the choir will not be singing.  Other options will be considered in the future. 
  • After the service is complete, please wait for an usher to dismiss you by row and exit through the exit doors (left side and right side).
  • Congregating inside the building is discouraged. Rather, engage in conversation, at a safe distance, outside the building.

Again, our main concern is your health and well-being. If you feel sick in any way, or if you are uncomfortable being among others, please stay home. We will continue to offer services online.

Love and Blessings,   Pastor Connie and the Restart Team